Saturday, 16 May 2009

A very loud panic attack

It started with the ringing, and then the ringing got louder. It got so loud i cupped my ears.
I had to turn on the telly just to drwon the white noise. It wouldn't stop.
The panic began to build. I tried to embrace it and encourage it to get worse but the ringing really was affecting my concentration. I feel victim to the panc attack and it grew bigger and bigger until my heart was racing and my chest was tight.

What did I do ?

I went straight onto No More Panic. The one place I wanted to avoid for now.

I've asked Charles Linden a question. No answer as of yet.

(The question was, how do you beat agoraphobia when your ear is causing alot of the panic)

I feel the normal confusion today. I am lost. My blog is not beautiful. I still feel i'm heading towards prozac.


  1. I've had tinnitus for exactly one year and one month and two days. I have it EVERY day, non-stop. For me, it doesn't come from my ears, the sound is deep in my head, if that makes sense. I have it right now and i will have it when i go to bed later. Right now, the's loud, it's got my attention, but it's not as loud as it was yesterday. Yesterday it was so loud i had to do something to drown it out so i went and mowed the lawn with ipod in ears and i could STILL hear the ringing!!!!!!

    For me though, even when it wakes me in the middle of the night because its so loud - it doesn't create panic, thank goodness...i would have been panicking for the last year constantly.

    Why does it make you panic??

  2. It doesn't normally make me panic either but yesterday it came from both ears (it's only ever been the right ear) and it was louder than it's ever been. No reason for it. Totally random. As it was so different to the other times, it created panic.

    Hopefully a one off !
