Friday, 26 June 2009

I Am Not A Robot

I have just discovered a great singer and a great song.

The song is called 'I am not a robot' and it's by Marina & The Diamonds.

I think it's brilliant and the video is great too.

Check it out:

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

It's Happening !

It's hard work, but the daily schedule along with guidance from the book is changing my world ! 2 days in and I'm sleeping like a baby and waking up with a smile on my face ! :D

P.s My blog has gone from darkness to light !

Monday, 8 June 2009

The First Day

I had the best conversation on the phone today :)

9 Months of misery all made sense in the space of 50 mins.

So far today I have spent less than 1 hour on my pc which must be a record !

I am very confident this will work as I 100% believe in it.

I can already feel it working !

Friday, 5 June 2009

Morning !


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Vote Cast

At 8:55pm I got into my car, drove to the polling station for the second time.
I parked up down the road and assessed the situation. I was nervous as hell. Nothing to do with my inner ear. It was pure anxiety.

I got out the car. looked around. My car was here. It's not going anywhere. I walked slowly up the road as i wrapped my scarf around my mouth. This felt comforting. Gave me a security blanket for the mind.

I stood outside the polling station. There was a few cars parked up. A few more than I had expected to be honest ! last year it was dead when I went. Oh dear. I looked around. Instead of marching in high on anxiety, I did something that i had read on Kate's blog. I assessed my situation. I took slow and calming breaths. I pretended I was waiting for someone. Haha.

15 mins later I was finally ready to walk in. I took a deep breath and stepped into the hall. There, behind a long table, sat an old lady, an old man and a very sexy young lady. This was instantly pleasing. She looked at me, I looked at her. Even though I was fucking anxious, I nearly made a comment...

"Can I vote for you?"

But no. That could be her mum and dad sat there.

Instead I gave her a smile as i handed in my card.
The old man passed me the voting form and i parked myself in a booth where I voted for *** *****. I popped my vote into the box and said goodbye, with a massive smile on my face.

I made myself count with a vote. I overcame anxiety. Pure win :)

Casting my vote

I really want to stand up and be counted today.
I managed to drive to just outside the polling station but I couldn't get out of the car.

I dont know why I've gone back so many steps.

I'm not going to give up. I have until 10pm.

I can do this.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


why are you reading this ? Go play in the sunshine !